Ammophila is a large and cosmopolitan genus, with over 200 species, mostly occurring in the warmer regions of all continents apart from Antarctica.
Ammophila is a genus of flowering plants consisting of two or three very similar species of grasses. The common names for these grasses include marram grass ...
Generally, males have weaker reddish markings than females, are more slender, and lack a tarsal rake on the front legs.
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Ammophila is the type genus of the subfamily Ammophilinae of the hunting wasp family Sphecidae. Ammophila is a large and cosmopolitan genus, with over 200 species, mostly occurring in the warmer regions of all continents apart from Antarctica. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Ammophila
Family: Sphecidae
Subfamily: Ammophilinae
Genus: Ammophila; W. Kirby, 1798

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Ammophila wasps are solitary; they do not live in colonies, and as a result they are not defensive of territories the way paper wasps and yellow jackets are.
Nov 3, 2010 · They are solitary, and shy or gentle in nature. They are quite distracted while feeding on nectar, but otherwise very alert and quick to fly.
a small genus of coarse perennial grasses growing on sandy shores and dunes and having awnless flowers crowded into a long spikelike panicle see beach grass ...
Ammophila is a large and cosmopolitan genus, with over 200 species, mostly occurring in the warmer regions of all continents apart from Antarctica.
Ammophila arenaria (European beachgrass) is a clumping perennial grass (family Poaceae) found in coastal dune systems from Santa Barbara County north. European ...
Ammophila procera, a species of sand wasp, can be found across a wide range in the Nearctic region, including the southern areas of Canada and the entire ...
Ammophila breviligulata, know as american beach grass is used extensively in dune stabilization.It depends on wind to whip up the sand around its stems.