Common chicory (Cichorium intybus) is a bushy perennial herb with blue or lavender (or, rarely, white or pink) flowers. It grows as a wild plant on roadsides in ...
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What is Cichorium used for?
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Cichorium is a genus of plants in the tribe Cichorieae within the family Asteraceae. The genus includes two cultivated species commonly known as chicory or endive, plus several wild species.
Common chicory is a bushy perennial herb with blue or... Wikipedia
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Common Name: SUNFLOWER FAMILY Habit: Annual to tree. Leaf: basal and/or cauline, alternate, opposite, rarely whorled, simple to 2+ × compound.
This plant in the aster family (Asteraceae) has been cultivated for centuries for its leaves, buds and roots and was used medicinally. The young leaves of even ...
Life Cycle: Perennial. Family: Asteraceae. Origin: Europe, West Asia, North Africa: roadsides, waste areas and fallow land.
Cichorium is a genus of plants in the dandelion tribe within the sunflower family. The genus includes two cultivated species commonly known as chicory or endive ...
Cichorium intybus, commonly known as chicory, is well known as a coffee substitute but is also widely used medicinally to treat various ailments ranging from ...
Chicory, is a biennail member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family, was introduced from Europe and has become naturalized over much of the nation. It is common to ...
Cichorium intybus, commonly known as chicory or succory, is a taprooted perennial herb that typically grows to 2-4' tall. Although native to Europe, it has ...
Cichorium intybus is a perennial herb that is not native to California.
chicory. General Information. Symbol: CIIN. Group: Dicot. Duration: Biennial Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: CAN I L48 I SPM I ...