While C. ellipticus is distinguished by having orbicular- elliptic leaves (20 - 40 × 20 - 34 mm), base widely obtuse to rounded, upper surface dark bluish green ...
People also ask
Is Cotoneaster invasive?
Does Cotoneaster lose its leaves in winter?
Is Cotoneaster fast growing?
What animal eats Cotoneaster?
A deciduous shrub 10 ft or more high, with long, slender young branches covered with down when young, but becoming bare towards the end of the summer.
Cotoneaster ellipticus is a species of plants with 0 observations.
Cotoneaster ellipticus (Lindl.) Loudon ex J.Fryer & B.Hylmö. First published in Cotoneasters: 85 (2009). This name is a synonym of Eriobotrya elliptica.
This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. It is included in an evolving list of plants carefully ...
Lindley's Cotoneaster · species · Accepted · Name authority: UKSI · Establishment means: Non-native · Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established.
Presented here is summary information about the species Cotoneaster ellipticus from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this ...
While C. ellipticus is distinguished by having orbicular- elliptic leaves (20-40 × 20-34 mm), base widely obtuse to rounded, upper surface dark bluish green; ...
Phanerophyte is a perennial woody or succulent plant with regenerative buds higher than 30 cm above the soil surface (includes trees, shrubs and tall succulents ...
Cotoneaster ellipticus. Information. Title: Cotoneaster ellipticus. Plant Name: Cotoneaster ellipticus. Record type: Herbarium Specimen.