Descurainia sophia is a member of the family Brassicaceae. Common names include flixweed, herb-Sophia and tansy mustard. It reproduces by seeds.
People also ask
What is descurainia Sophia good for?
Is Descurainia Sophia edible?
Is flixweed poisonous?
Where did the Descurainia Sophia come from?
Descurainia sophia (flixweed) is an annual or biennial (family Brassicaceae) found throughout California along roadsides, in agricultural fields, disturbed ...
Herb Sophia is a weed of roadsides, gravel pits and agricultural fields and was once upon a time considered a noxious weed in Minnesota, but Round-up Ready ...
Descurainia sophia is a weedy, alien plant but a close inspection will show delicate leaf structure, lovely flowers, and very cute siliques (seed pods). The ...
Descurainia sophia
Descurainia sophia is a member of the family Brassicaceae. Common names include flixweed, herb-Sophia and tansy mustard. It reproduces by seeds. It is a dominant weed in dark brown prairie and black prairie soils of southern Alberta. Its stem is... Wikipedia
Herb sophia occurs in open-canopy, disturbed sites. It is particularly common in washes and on roadsides, railroad rights-of-way, waste grounds, old fields, and ...
[Cal-IPC] Invasiveness: Descurainia sophia (flixweed) is an annual or biennial (family Brassicaceae) found throughout California along roadsides, ...
Seed of Descurainia sophia Webb ex Prantl has been traditionally prescribed as treatment for palpitation, varicose vein, varicocele, constipation, ...
Common Name: MUSTARD FAMILY Habit: Annual to shrub; sap pungent, watery. Leaf: generally simple, alternate; generally both basal, cauline; stipules 0.
herb sophia. General Information. Symbol: DESO2. Group: Dicot. Duration: Annual Biennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: AK I CAN I GL I HI I L48 I ...
Feb 5, 2022 · Brassicaceae Descurainia sophia. Clumps of small yellow flowers on a tall green stem with small serrated leaves. Descurainia sophia.