Juncus acutiflorus, also called sharp-flowered rush, is a rush or a grassy flowering plant in the family Juncaceae. As the name suggests, the plant has ...
Juncus acutiflorus, also called sharp-flowered rush, is a rush or a grassy plant of the genus Juncus. As the name suggests, the plant has notable ...
Sharp-flowered Rush - Juncus acutiflorus · Description. Rhizomatous plant, forming dense patches, with stiff erect stems, often curved, and a stem leaf.
Juncus acutiflorus
Juncus acutiflorus, also called sharp-flowered rush, is a rush or a grassy flowering plant in the family Juncaceae. As the name suggests, the plant has notable sharp-looking flowers, flowering between July and September. Wikipedia
Detailed description. Tall-growing, in loose clumps or in diffuse colonies, sometimes in radiating lines of stems; rhizome stout, far-extending. Stems 30–100 cm ...
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Does Juncus like sun or shade?
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Seeds narrowly ovoid, 0.5--0.6 mm, not tailed; body clear yellow-brown. Fruiting fall. Wet woods; 0--10 m; St. Pierre and Miquelon; Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.); ...
Habitat: Drains and wet pasture. Identification features: Upright leafy rush to 1 m tall. Often found in loose clumps and sometimes.
Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. sharpflower rush. sharpflower rush. General Information. Symbol: JUAC3. Group: Monocot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit:.
This plant prefers loamy soil that is consistently wet or waterlogged. Good drainage is not a primary concern as Juncus acutiflorus thrives in wet conditions.
J. acutiflorus has a straight stem round leaves. Lowest bract beyond the inflorescence. Inflorescence is red-brown and the lower branches are 90º to the stem.
It grows to just above 1m high differing from the otherwise very similar Jointed Rush in having a larger and more branched inflorescence.