Juncus maritimus, known as the sea rush, is a species of rush that grows on coastlines. It is sometimes considered conspecific with Juncus kraussii.
Juncus maritimus
Juncus maritimus, known as the sea rush, is a species of rush that grows on coastlines. It is sometimes considered conspecific with Juncus kraussii.
It has a wide distribution across the western Palearctic realm.
According to Edward Catich the... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Juncus maritimus
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Does Juncus like sun or shade?
Is Juncus a perennial or annual?
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Plant with a creeping rhizome, sometimes laxly caespitose; intravaginal shoots absent. Stems 50-100 cm, usually 1.5-2 mm in diameter, with 2-4 leaves.
Seeds brown, ellipsoid, body 0.6--0.7 mm, tails 0.5--1.2 mm. 2n = 40, 48. Flowering and fruiting summer. Coastal salt marshes, saline meadows, and sand dunes; ...
Description · cuddliness · lifespan · nutrient level · mobility · spine · biotope · biome · Crop type. medicinal and aromatic, ornamental. source: Nordic Crop ...
Juncus maritimus, known as the sea rush, is a species of rush that grows on coastlines. It is sometimes considered conspecific with Juncus kraussii.
Aug 3, 2024 · Native to Europe and Africa, historically known from Long Island, New York (FNA, 5/98 review draft).
*Juncus maritimus Lamarck. Seaside Rush. Phen: Jun-Sep. Hab: Salt marshes and saline, near-coastal areas. Dist: Native of Europe.
A stiff, tufted or caespitose perennial, 30-100 cm tall, pale green, subglaucous, with a short, creeping rhizome. Basal, sheaths usually with a blade, obtuse, ...
J. maritimus is an upright, clump-forming, borderline hardy, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial with sharp stems bearing cylindrical, sharp-pointed, ...
The native range of this species is Azores, Europe to Central Asia. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome.