Lotus tenuis is a flowering plant of the pea family Fabaceae, native to western and southern Europe and southwest Asia. Some botanists treat it as a ...
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Lotus tenuis is a flowering plant of the pea family Fabaceae, native to western and southern Europe and southwest Asia. Some botanists treat it as a subspecies ...
Lotus tenuis is a perennial herb that is not native to California.
Lotus tenuis
Lotus tenuis is a flowering plant of the pea family Fabaceae, native to western and southern Europe and southwest Asia. Some botanists treat it as a subspecies of Lotus corniculatus, as L. corniculatus subsp. tenuifolius.
Its tolerance of salt and... Wikipedia
Common Name: LEGUME FAMILY Habit: Annual to tree. Leaf: generally alternate, generally compound, generally stipuled, generally entire, pinnately veined ...
narrowleaf trefoil. General Information. Symbol: LOTE4. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: CAN I L48 I ...
Lotus tenuis is usually found in disturbed and/or sandy locations, and is most common along the coastline of California and in desert areas of Nevada.
Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Narrow-leaved Bird's-foot-trefoil species. Accepted Name authority: UKSI. Establishment means: Native.
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to the Great Plains, ...
*Lotus tenuis Waldstein & Kitaibel ex Willdenow. Slender Birdsfoot-trefoil. Phen: Jun-Sep. Hab: Fields, roadsides, and waste places. Dist: Native of Eurasia ...
L. tenuis contributed to maintaining AMF diversity through high root colonization, regardless of soil properties or management.