The native range of this species is S. Siberia to Russian Far East and W. Himalaya. It is a climbing annual and grows primarily in the temperate biome.
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Stems striate. Petiole 2-7 cm; leaf blade ovate-cordate, 3-13 X 1.7-7.5 cm, base cordate, margin entire or undulate, apex attenuate-acuminate or caudate.
As a deciduous plant, siberian woodrose sheds leaves during dry seasons to conserve water, showcasing its adaptability to fluctuating water conditions.
Merremia is a genus of flowering plants in the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. Members of the genus are commonly known as woodroses.
This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: Helena, Montana. Dundee, Ohio. Scio, Oregon. Lafayette, Tennessee. Westmoreland, Tennessee.
9c. Merremia sibirica var. vesiculosa C. Y. Wu, Yunnan Redai Yaredai Zhiwu Quxi Yanjiu Baogao (Rep. Stud. Pl. Trop. Subtrop. Yunnan). 1: 111. 1965.
Species Accepted. Merremia sibirica (L.) Hallier fil. Published in: Hallier fil. (1893). In: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. source: Catalogue of Life Checklist.
Nov 9, 2023 · Current name: Merremia sibirica (L.) Hallier View in CoL f. ( Convolvulaceae ). Copyright notice.
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Merremia/Ipomoea sibirica, 20 seeds This slender and dainty twining, annual vine comes from Northern China. Not well-known as it is relatively rare.