Nov 9, 2017 ˇ Sensitive fern varies in height from a few inches to more than 3 ft. Its sterile fronds, which wither early, are light to brown-mottled green ...
The sensitive fern has broad, almost triangular fronds. The sterile fronds are deeply pinnatified to bipinnatified, and thin texture. The fronds of most pinnae ...
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A good native fern for clay soils, it grows best in partial or full shade, in moist settings. It also does very well in average garden soils.

Sensitive fern

Onoclea sensibilis, the sensitive fern, also known as the bead fern, is a coarse-textured, medium to large-sized deciduous perennial fern. The name comes from its sensitivity to frost, the fronds dying quickly when first touched by it. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Onoclea sensibilis
Family: Onocleaceae
Genus: Onoclea
Division: Polypodiophyta
Kingdom: Plantae

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Onoclea sensibilis, commonly called sensitive fern, is a large, somewhat coarse, Missouri native, deciduous fern which occurs statewide in wet woods and ...
Facts. The susceptibility to frost of the sterile fronds gives sensitive fern its name. It spreads rapidly and can form large colonies.
Onoclea sensibilis, the sensitive fern, also known as the bead fern, is a coarse-textured, medium to large-sized deciduous perennial fern.
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Sensitive Fern thrives in moist soils but does very well in average garden soil as long as the soil does not dry out for long periods.
Onoclea sensibilis is a fern native throughout the southeast. It is naturally found in wetland habitats, and grows in full shade to sun (if soils are kept ...
Sensitive Fern tolerates both shade and sun and does well enough in a home garden with adequate moisture. The bright green leaves are eye-catching. It can form ...
The Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis L.) is a native fern that grows primarily in wetlands and wet forests in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State.