Potentilla anserine, commonly called silverweed, silverweed cinquefoil or goosegrass, is a prostrate herbaceous perennial in the rose family that typically ...
May 9, 2023 · A low, 6-9 in. perennial that sends up flowers and leaves on separate stalks. Solitary, 1 in., five-petaled, yellow flowers are held on slender ...
Argentina anserina (synonym Potentilla anserina) is a perennial flowering plant in the rose family, Rosaceae. It is known by the common names silverweed.


Argentina anserina is a perennial flowering plant in the rose family, Rosaceae. It is known by the common names silverweed, common silverweed or silver cinquefoil. It is native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere, often on river shores... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Potentilla anserina
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Argentina
People also ask
A low-growing, hairy, widely-spreading, perennial herb from long runners which grows in wet, alkaline areas.
[Wikipedia] Description, Habitat: Argentina anserina (synonym Potentilla anserina) is a perennial flowering plant in the rose family, Rosaceae.
Photos and information about Minnesota flora - Silverweed Cinquefoil: yellow flower ¾ inch across, usually 5 rounded petals, many yellow stamens.
Nov 5, 2023 · Potentilla anserina belongs to the rose Family, Rosaceae, and it is a native plant producing long creeping stolons, just as strawberry does. The ...
Medical herbalists consider this plant to have a number of medicinal applications, including uses as an astringent, antispasmodic, diuretic, haemostatic, ...
$13.50 In stock
During early through late summer, cheerful, bright yellow, five-petaled blooms dot the surface of the foliage and delight passing bees, flies, and beetles.
$5.00 In stock
Silverweed is also known as Argentina anserina. The flowers attract various bees and it may be a host plant to 18 species of butterflies and moths use this ...