Ruta graveolens, commonly known as rue, common rue or herb-of-grace, is a species of the genus Ruta grown as an ornamental plant and herb.
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It grows well in full sun to part shade, moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil. It is a hardy plant that is deer resistant and tolerates drought and dry ...
Common rue
Ruta graveolens, commonly known as rue, common rue or herb-of-grace, is a species of the genus Ruta grown as an ornamental plant and herb. It is native to the Balkan Peninsula. It is grown throughout the world in gardens, especially for its bluish... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Ruta graveolens
Family: Rutaceae
Plant height: 2-3 feet tall
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
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Ruta graveolens L. (Rutaceae) is a medicinal plant widely used in the Mediterranean region to treat pain, dermatitis, rheumatism, and other inflammatory ...
Ruta graveolens L. is a shrubby perennial plant that belongs to the family of Rutacee, it grows in the Mediterranean area also widely cultivated all over ...
(4) · $11.50 · Out of stock
Common Rue Plants (Ruta graveolens) Quick Facts: Host plant to Black Swallowtail, Anise Swallowtail, and Giant Swallowtail. Perennial. Hardy in zones 5-9.
$7.95 to $120.00
Rue's silvery gray leaves are very ornamental in the garden. Not too fussy about its growing conditions, Rue reaches about two feet when in bloom with its ...
Ruta graveolens, commonly known as rue, common rue or herb-of-grace, is a species of Ruta grown as an ornamental plant and herb. It is native to the Balkan ...
Aug 9, 2024 · Rue, (Ruta graveolens), small perennial shrub in the family Rutaceae used as a culinary and medicinal herb. Native to the Balkan Peninsula.
common rue. General Information. Symbol: RUGR3. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Subshrub. Native Status: CAN I L48 I ...
Ruta is an ornamental, aromatic, culinary and medicinal plant, cultivated in gardens. It prefers rocky, well- drained soils and it resists dry weather.