The Salicaceae are the willow family of flowering plants. The traditional family (Salicaceae sensu stricto) included the willows, poplars, aspens, ...

Willow family

The Salicaceae are the willow family of flowering plants. The traditional family included the willows, poplars, aspens, and cottonwoods. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Salicaceae
Higher classification: Malpighiales
Kingdom: Plantae
Lower classifications
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The Salicaceae, s.l. are dioecious to hermaphroditic trees or shrubs with simple, usually spiral, stipulate leaves, often with salicoid teeth, ...
Salicaceae, or the willow family, contains 55 genera and more than 1,000 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and trees. The family is most common in the ...
Trees or shrubs, deciduous or rarely evergreen, dioecious, rarely polygamous. Leaves alternate, rarely subopposite, usually petiolate, simple; stipules ...
Fruit: small capsules ; Vegetative Features. fast growing, capable of vegetative (clonal) growth and resprouting from root stalks ; Habit: shrubs and trees.
This tree is very fast-growing with best development in moist, fertile soils but will grow on dry, sand or gravelly soils. It is very valuable for pulp wood.
The leaves are slender and have salicoid teeth, inflorescences are cymose, flowers are unisexual, pedicellate, tetrasepalous, and 3- or 4-carpellate, and seeds ...
Although species of the family grow throughout the world, except in cold alpine or arctic regions, most of them are found in temperate or tropical regions. The ...
Salicaceae. WILLOW FAMILY ˇ Habit: Shrub, tree; dioecious (monoecious). ˇ Stem: trunk < 40 m; wood soft; bark smooth, bitter; buds scaly. ˇ Leaf: simple, ...
in addition to being a tree or a shrub, occurs as a liana frequently enough to be included in this work. Since Salicaceae is a morphologically diverse family no ...