Selaginella is the sole genus in the monotypic family Selaginellaceae, the spikemosses or lesser clubmosses, a type of vascular plant. Spikemoss.
People also ask
Is Selaginella a houseplant?
How do you keep Selaginella alive?
Is Selaginella a moss or fern?
What is special about Selaginella?
Selaginella are a truly unique group of prehistoric fern relatives that thrive in a variety of conditions and make fantastic woodland ground covers.
Selaginella is the sole genus in the monotypic family Selaginellaceae, the spikemosses or lesser clubmosses, a type of vascular plant.
This family is distinguished from Lycopodiaceae by having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by having spores of... Wikipedia
Class: Lycopodiopsida
Scientific name: Selaginella
Family: Selaginellaceae; Willk.
Genus: Selaginella; P. Beauv.
Order: Selaginellales; Prantl
Kingdom: Plantae
Lower classifications
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Selaginella Plants for Terrariums & live vivarium environments. Ultra healthy, organically grown, and chemical free Selaginella Spike Moss for sale.
Some Selaginella will thrive outdoors in zones 6-10, provided they're grown in a damp, shady and acidic spot. I recommend planting at the base of gingers, ...
Spike mosses are forest dwellers in origin and need protection from strong sunlight. Indoors, provide semi-shade or shade, away from the window. The small ...
Selaginella willdenowii is a species with iridescent blue foliage. The colouring is a consequence of elaborate structures on the upper surface of the leaves.
Common Name: SPIKE-MOSS ; Genus Notes: Selaginella is a fairly widely accepted, monophyletic genus of 750-800 species (Zhou & Zhang 2015; Westrand & Korall 2016; ...
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This small plant with creeping stems forms dense mats of green foliage. Native to South Africa. Ideal for terrariums or dish gardens.
spikemoss. General Information. Symbol: SELAG. Group: Lycopod. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Vine. Native Status: AK N CAN N GL N HI I,N