Lysimachia europaea (formerly known as Trientalis europaea) is a flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae, called by the common name chickweed- ...

Lysimachia europaea

Lysimachia europaea is a flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae, called by the common name chickweed-wintergreen or arctic starflower. It is a small herbaceous perennial plant with one or more whorls of leaves on a single slender erect... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Trientalis europaea
Higher classification: Trientalis
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Trientalis europaea is a perennial herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in North America and beyond. also called Lysimachia europaea ...
arctic starflower. Classification. Kingdom. Plantae - Plants. Subkingdom. Tracheobionta - Vascular plants. Superdivision. Spermatophyta - Seed plants ...
Fruits: Capsule opening by valves. Identification Notes: Trientalis europaea has a few stem leaves; Trientalis borealis has none.
Dec 21, 2022 · Northern Starflower (Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica), which grows in wet places from Alaska south to northwestern California, has white ...
Trientalis europaea is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.3 m (1ft). It is in flower from June to July. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) ...
Lysimachia europaea (formerly known as Trientalis europaea) is a flowering plant in the primrose family Primulaceae, called by the common name chickweed ...
The northern starflower is a delicate 5-25 cm tall perennial, with small white flowers that bloom in the late spring and early summer on the Central Coast.
Lysimachia europaea. ARCTIC STARFLOWER · Common Name: MYRSINE FAMILY · Habit: Annual, perennial herb, [shrub, tree], glabrous or occasionally hairy, sometimes ...
Jun 28, 2008 · Trientalis europaea is a native herb of open pine-woods, sessile oak-birchwoods and heather-moors, among moss in damp grassy places, usually ...