Tropaeolum minus is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.3 m (1ft) by 0.5 m (1ft 8in). See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 9 and is frost tender.
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Tropaeolum minus 'Baby Orange' (Nasturtium) is a compact, bushy annual or short-lived perennial forming a small mound of rounded, parasol-like, ...
Tropaeolum minus, the dwarf nasturtium is a species of perennial plant in the Tropaeolaceae family. It is endemic to mountainous regions of Ecuador and Peru ...

Tropaeolum minus

Tropaeolum minus, the dwarf nasturtium is a species of perennial plant in the Tropaeolaceae family. It is endemic to mountainous regions of Ecuador and Peru. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Tropaeolum minus
A plant of higher elevations in the tropics, it can be cultivated as a summer annual in the temperate zone. Prefers a rich light well-drained ...
A bushy annual, up to 50cm high, with rounded, shield-shaped ('peltate') leaves up to 8cm across, edged with tiny teeth where the veins meet the leaf margin.
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An exquisite double bloomer with stunning color ranging from flaming oranges to brilliant yellows. These semi-trailing, 36-inch vines produce edible flowers ...
Tropaeolum minus L. dwarf nasturtium. dwarf nasturtium. General Information. Symbol: TRMI13. Group: Dicot. Duration: Growth Habit: Native Status: Not in PFA ...
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Empress of India Nasturtium has a dwarf, bushy habit, dark purplish-blue foliage, and brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers. The 1884 Burpee's catalogue described ...
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Black Velvet thrives in full sun, growing best as an annual in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-10. At about 8 to 14 inches tall with a tidy 12-inch spread, it won't run ...
Ladybird Gold TROPAEOLUM minus - TR8770 (SAHIN 1998) eye catching orange-yellow flowers with bright red markings.