Abies lasiocarpa from
... ABIES GRANDIS SERIES Abies grandis / Calamagrostis rubescens h.t. Abies grandis / Spiraea betulifolia h.t. Abies grandis / Vaccinium globulare h.t. Abies grandis / Xerophyllum tenax h.t. Abies grandis ... ABIES LASIOCARPA SERIES 82.
Abies lasiocarpa from
... Abies lasiocarpa / Oplopanox horridus h.t. ( ABLA / OPHO ; subalpine fir / devil's club ) ; Abies lasiocarpa / Clintonia uniflora h.t. , Clintonia uni- flora phase ( ALBA / CLUN - CLUN ; subalpine fir / queencup beadlily , wild ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... Abies lasiocarpa / Oplopanox horridus h.t. ( ABLA / OPHO ; subalpine fir / devil's club ) ; Abies lasiocarpa / Clintonia uniflora h.t. , Clintonia uni- flora phase ( ALBA / CLUN - CLUN ; subalpine fir / queencup beadlily , wild ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... ABIES LASIOCARPA CLIMAX SERIES 700 Lower subalpine h.t.s 610 ABLA / OPHO h.t. Abies lasiocarpa / Oplopanax horridum h.t. 620 ABLA / CLUN h.t. Abies 621 -CLUN phase 622 -ARNU phase 623 -VACA phase 624 -XETE phase lasiocarpa ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... Abies lasiocarpa / Xerophyllum tenax ALBA / XETE 690 Abies grandis / Xerophyllum tenax ABGR / XETE 510 Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium scoparium ABLA / VASC 730 Tsuga mertensiana / Xerophyllum tenax TSME / XETE 710 Abies lasiocarpa ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... ABIES GRANDIS SERIES Abies grandis / Calamagrostis rubescens h.t. Abies grandis / Spiraea betulifolia h.t. Abies ... LASIOCARPA SERIES Abies lasiocarpa / Caltha biflora h.t. Abies lasiocarpa / Calamagrostis canadensis h.t. -Ledum ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... Abies grandis / Acer glabrum Acer glabrum phase Physocarpus malvaceus phase Abies grandis / Adiantum pedatum Abies ... lasiocarpa / Acer glabrum Pachistima myrsinites phase Abies lasiocarpa / Actaea rubra Abies lasiocarpa / Alnus ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... Abies lasiocarpa / Steele and others 1981 Abies grandis / Asarum caudatum Asarum caudatum phase Menziesia ferruginea phase Abies grandis / Clintonia uniflora Clintonia uniflora phase Cooper and others 1991 Cooper and others 1991 Cooper ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
Jerry F. Franklin, C. T. Dyrness. Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii forests are often conspicuous in frost pockets and other habitats characterized by drainage and accumulation of cold air . These often occur well below the expected ...
Abies lasiocarpa from
... ABIES LASIOCARPA SERIES Abies lasiocarpa / Caltha biflora h.t. Abies lasiocarpa / Calamagrostis canadensis h.t. -Ledum glandulosum phase -Vaccinium caespitosum phase -Ligusticum canbyi phase -Calamagrostis canadensis phase lasiocarpa ...