... Dasypyrum villosum ( L. ) Candargy . Heredity 72 : 365–373 De Gara L , Paciolla C , Liso R , Stefani A , Arrigoni O ( 1991 ) Correlation between ascorbate peroxidase activity and some anomalies of seedlings from aged caryopses of Dasypyrum ...
... Dasypyrum on cpDNA cladograms. Sequencing of the nuclear starch synthase gene also revealed a close relation between Elymus St species and Dasypyrum (Mason-Gamer and Kellogg 2000). The cpDNA tree con- tained a well supported clade ...
... Dasypyrum - part 1. The taxonomy and relationships within Dasypyrum and with Triticeae species . Euphytica , 152 : 429-440 . 2 Ohta S , Koto M , Osada T , Matsuyama A , Furuta Y. 2002. Rediscovery of a a diploid cytotype of Dasypyrum ...
... Dasypyrum villosum and Hordeum bulbosum were described for the first time on specific islands . There is a positive correlation between species number and island size . However , Karpathos ( 332 km2 ) showed only two different Aegilops ...
... Dasypyrum in a WSR test (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the cpDNA tree contained a well-supported clade containing Dasypyrum, Thinopyrum, and Pseudoroegneria, and in which the three genera were unresolved. Such a clade was not found in any ...
... Dasypyrum ( Poaceae ) Nord . J. Bot . 11 , 135-142 . Gruszecka D. 1997. Otrzymanie i charakterystyka mieszańców Secale cereale L. z Dasypyrum villosum ( Haynaldia villosa L. ) . Hodowla Roślin , Materiały z I Krajowej Konferencji pt ...
... Dasypyrum villosum Dwarf Mutant By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Biotech Business Week – Investigators discuss new findings in Kaurane Diterpenes. Ac- cording to news reporting from Nanchong, People's Republic of China, by NewsRx ...