... Lychnis viscària albiflora , Hort . Flowers white . An elegant plant . Neglected Rock Lychnis . Fl . May , June . Clt . ? Pl . 1 foot . 3 V. ALPINA ... care to prevent them from returning to a single state , and to propagate them by ...
... Lychnis viscària albiflòra , Hort . Flowers white . An elegant plant . Neglected Rock Lychnis . Fl . May , June . Clt . ? Pl . 1 foot . 3 V. ALPINA ... care to prevent them from returning to a single state , and to propagate them by ...
... Lychnis , none of which is really difficult to grow . The Kenilworth - ivy ( Linaria cym- balaria ) is a little ... Lychnis alpina is purely a rock alpine , and must have a sunny niche , tightly wedged between two pieces [ 48 ]
... LYCHNIS ( Alba ) floribus dioecis , calycibus inflatis hirfutis . Campion with male and female flowers grow- ing on ... ( Alpina ) petalis bifidis corymbofis . Lin . Sp . Plant . 436. Campion with bifid petals , and flowers growing ...
... Lychnis alpina Flos Jovis ( old walls and ruins ) lapponica Malva campanulata ( ruins ) Ononis alba ( old walls and ... Silene acaulis ( moist walls , to be first care- fully planted in L chink ) * alpestris ( old walle ) rupestris ...
... Lychnis . Fl . May , June . Britain . Pl . 1 to 14 foot . 2 V. NEGLE CTA ( G. Don , in Loud . hort . brit . p . 186 ... alpina , Lin . spec . 626. Smith , engl . bot . 2254. Fl . dan . 62. Flowers crowded into a dense tuft at the ...
... Lychnis . Fl . May , June . Clt . ? Pl . 1 foot . 3 V. ALPINA ; smooth , not viscid ; petals cloven ; flowers ... care to prevent them from returning to a single state , and to propagate them by cuttings . L. fúlgens and ...
... Lychnis viscària albiflora , Hort . Flowers white . An elegant plant . Neglected Rock Lychnis . Fl . May , June . Clt . ? Pl . 1 foot . 3 V. ALPINA ... care to prevent them from returning to a single state , and to propagate them by ...
... alpina . Side by side with the Lychnis are found other two plants , which ... care to keep them free from weeds and rampant neighbours . Ten or twelve ... Silene acaulis , Linnæa borealis , Saxifraga oppositifolia , Oxytropis ...
... care . Lychnis at present remains the perennial of the be- ginner with a small purse undisturbed yet by color riots ... alpina , covered with legions of little rosy - red blossoms and the two less known species L. pyrenaica and L. yunanensis ...