... Paronychia polygonifolia ( Vill . ) DC . — Map 140 941 . Chaetonychia polygonifolia ( Vill . ) Sampaio ; Illecebrum polygonifolium Vill . Notes . Not given in Chaudhri 1968 : 198 from Sa or Si , but Sa confirmed in Pignatti Fl . 1982 ...
... PARONYCHIA Juss . These curious little silvery plants are mostly Mediterranean , but there are two species which attain a considerable height in the Pyrenees and the Alps of Savoy , Dauphiny , and Provence . Paronychia polygonifolia DC ...
... Paronychia polygonifolia. In the interstices in deposits of large semipermanent siliceous blocks in the western European high mountains there is a glericolous community with low coverage that is widely distributed throughout the high ...
Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles. 2102 ( 11 ) . PARONYCHIA POLYGONIFOLIA DC . Fl . de Fr. iii . , 403 . Alien , S. Europe . Gala , Selkirk , A. BROTHERSTON in Berwick Proc . 136 , 1873 . 2122. CHENOPODIUM MURALE L ...
... Paronychia polygonifolia . D C. South of Europe . 2. Herniaria Pyrenaica . Gay . Sp . nov . 3. Corrigiola littoralis . South - West of England , South of Europe . 4. Scleranthus annuus . Common . 5. Polycarpon tetraphyllum . South ...