Woodsiaceae is a family of ferns. In the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I), it is placed in the suborder Aspleniineae.
Sep 19, 2024 · Woodsiaceae, the cliff fern family, containing 15 genera and about 700 species, in the division Pteridophyta. Members of Woodsiaceae are ...
Woodsiaceae is a family of ferns. In the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016, it is placed in the suborder Aspleniineae. The family can also be treated as the subfamily Woodsioideae of a very broadly defined family Aspleniaceae... Wikipedia
People also ask
What are the characteristics of Woodsiaceae?
Species in the Woodsiaceae are ferns with that grow on soil or rock. Their leaves range in size from small to relatively large, and they die back in the winter.
Woodsia is a genus of ferns in the family Woodsiaceae. Species of Woodsia are commonly known as cliff ferns.
The Woodsiaceae or cliff ferns is a family of ferns in the Eupolypods II clade of the order Polypodiales, in the class Polypodiopsida.
Sep 25, 2015 · The family Woodsiaceae has been radically pruned and has lost almost all the genera with which has been associated over recent decades.
This vascular plant list for Humboldt Bay dunes and wetlands is based on collections made by the authors primarily between 2001 and 2008.
Aug 22, 2024 · Habit: Perennial herb in rock crevices, occasionally in soil; rhizome generally short-creeping. Leaf: short-spaced, 5--40 cm, +- alike; ...
Lady Ferns And Brittle Ferns. Terrestrial or epilithic ferns. Rhizome creeping or suberect to erect. Fronds monomorphic, approximate or tufted.
Woodsiaceae · Choose this genus · Woodsia. 1a. Indusium inferior, composed of lacerate or filamentous segments at maturity; veins not reaching margin of leaf ...