Nov 4, 2013 · A. hockii is a widespread acacia shrub or small tree found in moist savannah landscapes of sub-Saharan Africa. In East Africa particularly, it ...
A usually small acacia, 2-4m high with a rather open crown. Occasionally a tree to 8m. The bark is yellow to greenish yellow, peeling. Thorns are paired, ...
Acacia hockii
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Spines stipular, short, straight. Leaves with (1)2-11 pairs of pinnae; leaflets in 9-29 pairs. Flowers bright yellow in axillary pedunculate heads borne on the ...
One of the main species in drier areas of Mbarara and Luwero Districts and in. North Eastern Region, usually associated with Combretum, other. Acacia and ...
Vachellia hockii is a multi-stemmed shrub growing 2 - 4 metres tall, or sometimes a small tree with an open crown, growing 6 - 7 metres tall and occasionally 9 ...
Shrubs or small trees; bark peeling in papery layers; young twigs puberulous. Spines stipular, short, straight. Leaves with (1)2-11 pairs of pinnae; leaflets in ...
A. hockii occupies a wide range both of habitat and altitude, and is also widespread in tropical Africa. The plant is correspondingly variable.
The native range of this species is Tropical Africa, SW. Arabian Peninsula. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Acacia hockii De Wild. Common name(s). Kansanyiña. Genus. Acacia. Family. Fabaceae. Flora. Invasive plants. 13observations. Acacia hockii Flower.