Argyranthemum frutescens, known as Paris daisy, marguerite or marguerite daisy, is a perennial plant known for its flowers. It is native to the Canary ...
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Argyranthemum frutescens, commonly called marguerite daisy, is a somewhat short-lived, tender perennial or subshrub that produces daisy-like white flowers (2.5” ...
This is the bright white version of venerable Butterfly Marguerite Daisy. The large daisy flowers thoroughly cover the plants all summer, no deadheading needed.
Argyranthemum is often mistaken for or offered as Chrysanthemum. It is a great plant in containers where it isn't hardy. Although A. frutescens will bloom ...
Marguerite daisy
This plant likes full sun, well draining, sandy, acidic soil. It tolerates heat as well as coastal conditions. Great in containers. It needs moderate watering.
This pretty flower is also known as Paris Daisy or Marguerite Daisy. The plant is native to the Canary Islands, which is part of Spain.
Selected for Excellent Branching and Mounding Habit. Reliable Performance in the Greenhouse and Low Maintenance in the Garden. Classic Daisy Flower Form.
An evergreen subshrub to 60cm tall, with divided, dull grey-green foliage and large, yellow-centred, white daisies. Free-flowering over a long period.
(1) · $11.50
A group of annual, summer-flowering Daisies that bloom long and hard on bushy, mounded plants with lacy foliage that sets off the flowers to perfection.
(2) · $5.00 · Out of stock
Golden yellow version of the popular Butterfly daisy. This version from Proven Winners has been improved in 2018 to require less deadheading.
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