Arundo donax is a tall perennial cane. It is one of several so-called reed species. It has several common names including giant cane, elephant grass, ...
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Arundo donax (giant reed) is a tall perennial grass (family Poaceae) that typically forms dense stands on disturbed sites, sand dunes, riparian areas, and ...

Giant reed

Arundo donax is a tall perennial cane. It is one of several so-called reed species. It has several common names including giant cane, elephant grass, carrizo, arundo, Spanish cane, Colorado river reed, wild cane, and giant reed. Arundo and donax... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Arundo donax
Family: Poaceae
Conservation status: Least Concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Oct 31, 2023 ˇ Giant reed (Arundo donax) is a highly invasive plant that is not native to California. A relative of bamboo and other grasses, giant reed is a ...
Arundo donax is a perennial grasslike herb that is not native to California. Cal-IPC rating: high ...
Oct 30, 2023 ˇ Arundo donax L. ( ITIS ). Common Name. Giant reed, Spanish reed. Native To. Thought to be native to eastern Asia (Polunin & Huxley 1987). Date ...
giant reed. General Information. Symbol: ARDO4. Group: Monocot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Graminoid Shrub Subshrub. Native Status: HI I L48 I
Giant reed is a large, clumping, perennial grass with hollow stems that are 1/4 to 2 inches thick (Figure 2). The stems have a cane-like (Figure 3) appearance ...
Noteworthy Characteristics. Arundo donax, commonly called giant reed, is a rhizomatous, perennial, warm season grass that sports a somewhat tropical appearance.
Arundo donax is a perennial grass that can reach up to 20 ft. (6.1 m) in height. Although it can be much shorter when damaged or stressed. The stem resembles a ...
Jul 25, 2023 ˇ Giant reed is a tall, perennial grass that can grow to over 20 feet in height. Its fleshy, creeping rootstocks form compact masses from which tough, fibrous ...