Baikiaea plurijuga, known as African teak, Mukusi, Rhodesian teak, Zambian teak or Zambesi redwood, is a species of Afrotropical tree from the legume family ...
Although Rhodesian Teak is an important timber, it's not commonly exported. It's sometimes available as flooring or as narrow boards.

Baikiaea plurijuga

Baikiaea plurijuga, known as African teak, Mukusi, Rhodesian teak, Zambian teak or Zambesi redwood, is a species of Afrotropical tree from the legume family, the Fabaceae from southern Africa. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Baikiaea plurijuga
Conservation status: Near Threatened
Family: Fabaceae
Higher classification: Baikiaea
Order: Fabales

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Rhodesian Teak (Baikiaea plurijuga) is a tropical, slow-growing, semi-deciduous tree with a rounded crown and rough and cracked bark. It can reach up to 20 m ...
Medium-sized, deciduous tree. Leaves pinnate with 4-5 pairs of opposite leaflets. Flowers in large, axillary racemes, showy, pink to deep mauve with conspicuous ...
Range. Southern tropical Africa - Angola; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Botswana; Namibia. Habitat. Confined to Kalahari sands, where it is often abundant and dominant ...
Nov 22, 2019 · A deciduous medium to large tree, 8-16 m in height, up to 1 m in diameter, with a large, dense, spreading crown. The tree is often multi-stemmed ...
In this study, we examined a genus new to dendrochronology, namely Baikiaea plurijuga (Spreng.) Harm that dominates the Zambezi teak forests in Zambia.
The source of the valuable Rhodesian teak (Baikiaea plurijuga). Destruction of the Baikiaea forest results in a regression from forest to grassland.
Baikiaea plurijuga Harms(Zambezi-teak, Rhodesian-teak, Mukusi, Mukusyi, Zimbabwe teak, Zambesi Redwood, Zambezi Redwood). Family Fabaceae. Genus Baikiaea.
Teak – Zambezi. Baikiaea plurijuga. • Also known as |. African Teak|Mukusi|Rhodesian Teak|Zimbabwe Teak. Teak - Zambezi Lumber @ Rare Woods USA. While not a ...