Boehmeria is a genus of 47 species of flowering plants in the nettle family Urticaceae. Of the species, 33 are indigenous to the Old World and 14 to the New ...


Boehmeria is a genus of 47 species of flowering plants in the nettle family Urticaceae. Of the species, 33 are indigenous to the Old World and 14 to the New World; no species is indigenous to both the Old and New Worlds. The species include... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Boehmeria
Higher classification: Urticaceae
Genus: Boehmeria; Jacq.
Lower classifications
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Boehmeria is a genus in the family Urticaceae, which contains trees, shrubs, and perennials including nettles.
May 23, 2023 · Tiny greenish flowers are in small, head-like clusters, arranged in continuous or interrupted spikes in the axils of opposite leaves. Plant ...
Boehmeria is a genus of 47 species of flowering plants in the nettle family Urticaceae. Of the species, 33 are indigenous to the Old World and 14 to the New ...
Green tassel flowers emerge from the branch tips in August and continue to droop into the fall. Boehemeria platanifolia likes a soil that is evenly moist.
False Nettle is a flowering, herbaceous perennial plant that is native to Canada and North America. It is commonly found on moist or shady ground, deciduous ...
Nov 5, 2020 · Stems simple to freely branched, erect. Leaves opposite or nearly opposite, or alternate; stipules present. Leaf blades lanceolate to broadly ...
Recommended Uses: Ground cover in moist sites in casual settings. Very attractive when young, but becomes somewhat weedy and tall as it matures.
false nettle. General Information. Symbol: BOEHM. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Shrub Subshrub. Native Status: CAN N
Habit: Annual, perennial herb [to shrub, soft-wooded tree], hairs stinging and not [glabrous]; monoecious or dioecious; wind-pollinated. Leaf: alternate or ...