A very popular medicinal herb in Africa, where it is commonly harvested from the wild for mainly local use. It is also much planted in home gardens as a ...
Liane with a woody rootstock. The leaves are subpeltate, ovate-cordate and covered in greyish indumentum; mucronate at the apex; flowers axillary or in false ...
The native range of this species is Tropical & S. Africa. It is a climbing perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.

Cissampelos mucronata

Rank: Species
Herbaceous climber, in open forest, wooded savannah, and seasonally flooded grassy savannah; also in fallow and disturbed sites. C. N.: mukoko (kb).
Cissampelos es un género con 156 especies de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Menispermaceae. Cissampelos. Cissampelos pareira.
Cissampelos mucronata A.Rich. Higher Classification. Dicotyledons. Family. MENISPERMACEAE. Synonyms. Cissampelos macrostachya Klotzsch, Cissampelos pareira L.
The species is also known as abuta in Ayurvedic medicine. The Maasai people of Kenya use Cissampelos mucronata as a forage for their cattle.
Climber with slender, twining stems. Branchlets pubescent to puberulous. Leaves heart-shaped to subreni-form, obtuse at apex, deeply cordate at base. Flowers ...
The roots of Cissampelos mucronata were taken in Ethiopia for stomach ache, gastrointestinal complaints and to expel retained placenta (Giday et al., 2009; ...
Oct 7, 2008 · The results indicate that the ethanol root extract of C. mucronata. exhibited antiulcer property especially against indomethacin-induced ulcer.