
Costus dubius

Costus dubius is a species of plant native to Tropical Africa. Wikipedia
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Costus dubius is a species of plant native to Tropical Africa. Costus dubius. Scientific classification · Edit this classification. Kingdom: Plantae.
Costus dubius, is known by the common name Spiral flag, which describes the twisted or spiral arrangement of the leaves on the stems of this species.
An introduced species originally from West Africa but now naturalised in NEQ. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 800 m. Grows in rainforest and notophyll ...
Field observations — Costus dubius plants are the only cultivated species of Costus often setting seed in greenhouses. Their seedlings germinate easily and tend ...
Medicinal: In Guinea, the leaves and stems of this species are used in the treatment of cough, and is also thought to have antipox properties.
Inflorescence from base of leafy shoot. Flower white with yellow center. TANZANIA = Specimen data: Herb ca. 1 m tall, somewhat succulent. Inflorescence borne ...
The native range of this species is Tropical Africa. It is a rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
Images of Costus dubius (African costus) - Plants of Hawaii, by Forest and Kim Starr.
Costus dubius (Afzel.) K.Schum. Common name(s). Costus. Synonym(s). 5. Genus. Costus. Family. Costaceae. Flora. World flora. 19observations.
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