Curculigo is a flowering plant genus in the family Hypoxidaceae, first described in 1788. It is widespread across tropical regions of Asia, Africa, ...
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Curculigo is a flowering plant genus in the family Hypoxidaceae, first described in 1788. It is widespread across tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. Curculin is a sweet protein that was discovered and isolated in 1990... Wikipedia
Higher classification: Hypoxidaceae
Scientific name: Curculigo
Genus: Curculigo; Gaertn. (1788)
Jun 3, 2021 · The genus Curculigo, as a folk herbal medicine, has been used for many years in China, treating impotence, limb limpness, and arthritis of ...
Jun 3, 2013 · Curculigo orchioides is used for the treatment of impotence, limb limpness, arthritis of the lumbar and knee joints, and watery diarrhea in traditional Chinese ...
Curculigo capitulata is a stout herb that belongs to the genus Curculigo. It is known by the common names palm grass, whale back, and weevil lily, and by ...
It is a blooming plant that is in danger of extinction that is found in subtropical regions of Asia, southern China, and India.
About forty species of Curculigo are native to Asia. One Curculigo species is used for its fibers and palm grass is used as a medicine in China.
Curculigo capitulata or Palm Grass is a understory plant found in damp, shaded areas of the forests. This hairy herb is rhizomatous, reaching to a height of 1 m ...
Native to: Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Borneo, Brazil North, Brazil West-Central, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, ...
Herbs perennial, often with tuberous rhizomes. Leaves several, basal, sessile or petiolate; leaf blade usually lanceolate, plicate, leathery or papery.
Curculin, an artificial sweetener, is extracted from the fruits too. Medicinal: A decoction of the rhizome is used in menorrhagia and ophthalmia. Others: The ...