Description: Perennial herb with ascending or decumbent stems up to 45 cm long, arising from an underground corm. Basal leaf rosettes absent.
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Nandikar, M.D. & Gurav, R.V. (2014). A revision of the genus Cyanotis D.Don (Commelinaceae) in India. Taiwania 59: 292-314. [Cited as Cyanotis vaga.] ...
A perennial herb 2-18 in. high, variable in appearance Normally blue, rarely mauve or white flowers Differs from C. angusta in its slender stem at ground-level, ...
Flowers dark blue, in terminal or axillary clusters, subtended by longer spathes than those in the previous species. Capsules quadrate, usually 6-seeded; seeds ...
Group. Monocot. Family. Commelinaceae. Genus. Cyanotis. Species. Cyanotis barbata D. Don. Rwanda Google Earth · Google Maps.
Softly shaggy, or nearly glabrous. Bulb 1/2 in. in diam., eatable (Roth). Stem 3–15 in. long, suberect, often divided, with many heads, roundish, sometimes with ...
Apr 3, 2018 · Petals pink and anthers blue with succulent stem. All flowers terminal. Up to 20 cm tall. A few plants seen. Latitude, Longitude: -19.742689, ...
Oct 31, 1996 · Considerably grazed, moderately windy. Cyanotis, Hypericum, Gramieae. Humid red soil (Ferrolith) with thick raw humus. Cyanotis barbata D. Don.
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