Cyphostemma adenocaule is an herbaceous climber with annual stem thrown up from a large fleshy perennial rootstock (caudex) with slightly fleshy 5-foliolate leaves and branched tendril. Flowers are yellow green and red.
A herbaceous climber with annual stem thrown up from a large fleshy perennial rootstock (caudex) with slightly fleshy 5-foliolate leaves and branched tendril.
Cyphostemma adenocaule is a herbaceous, perennial, climbing plant producing stems 1.5 - 7.5 metres long from a tuberous rootstock.
Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud. ex A. Rich.) Desc. ex Wild & RB Drumm. Images: None on this site. Detailed records: Display species records.
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A Cyphostemma with tomentous (furry) leaves and thick, knobby pachycaul trunk (caudex). Vines emerge in spring. Awesome natural bonsai.
Feb 10, 2021 · Hydroethanolic root extract and solvent fractions of Cyphostemma adenocaule showed a stimulatory effect on cell-mediated immunity and hematopoiesis.
Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud. ex A.Rich.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B.Drumm.. Family Vitaceae. Genus Cyphostemma. 'World flora.
Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Vitales. Family: Genus: Species: Sub-Species: Variety: Vitaceae; Cyphostemma; Cyphostemma adenocaule.
The native range of this species is W. Tropical Africa to Eritrea and Angola. It is a climbing caudex geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry ...
Accepted Scientific Name: Cyphostemma adenocaule (Steud. ex A.Rich.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B.Drumm. Fl. Zambes. 2: 473 1966 Exell & Wild. Synonyms:.