Dovyalis rotundifolia is a large shrub or small tree reaching to 7 meters, with dark glossy green, leathery leaves. It carries impressive spines of 8 - 12 cm long, making it ideal for inclusion in a barrier planting or for use as an impenetrable hedge.
Dovyalis rotundifolia

Dovyalis rotundifolia

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Dovyalis rotundifolia (Thunb.) Harv. ... The native range of this species is E. Cape Prov. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.
In addition to its namesake fruit, dune sourberry (Dovyalis rotundifolia) has ash-colored bark, leathery leaves and intimidating thorns that can reach 8 cm ...
3 seeds per pack. An uncommon, small and sour edible fruit native to coastal southern portions of Africa. Related to the better-known Kei Apple.
Common names for Dovyalis rotundifolia include: Wild Apricot, Wine Berry, Dune Sourberry, South African Tree Number 510.
Tree or shrub up to 6 m tall, dioecious, armed with spines up to 8 cm long; bark ashen-white with longitudinal ridges and fissures, strongly lenticellate.
Dovyalis rotundifolia (Thunb.) Thunb. & Harv. Higher Classification. Dicotyledons. Family. SALICACEAE. Synonyms. Dovyalis celastroides Sond. Common Names.
Aug 17, 2017 · Synonyms: Celastrus rotundifolius Thunb. Dovyalis celastroides Sond. Common names: Dune sourberry (English).