Panicle 10–30 cm long, ovate and spreading or linear and contracted, the spikelets evenly distributed on pedicels 2–7 mm long, the primary branches not in ...
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Description: Densely caespitose perennial without stolons but sometimes with short stout rhizomes; culms up to 80(120) cm tall, usually erect, unbranched, ...
The native range of this species is Kenya to S. Africa. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
perennial, densely cęspitose; culms erect or geniculate, firm, rather stout, 2–3 ft. long, glabrous, smooth, about 3-noded, upper internodes (sometimes also ...
Scientific Name. Eragrostis lappula Nees ; Higher Classification. Monocotyledons ; Family. POACEAE ; Synonyms. Eragrostis comata Peter, Eragrostis lappula Nees var ...
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Dec 25, 2019 · Records of this taxon from Caprivi are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all ...
Eragrostis lappula Nees [family GRAMINEAE]. Herbarium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K). Collection. Flora Zambesiaca. Resource Type. Reference Sources. Entry ...