Erect annual herb, up to c. 25 cm tall or with spreading, semi-prostrate branches up to 35 cm long. All parts with silky white hairs. Leaves opposite, subsessile, ovate-lanceolate, up to 2.5 cm long, obliquely cordate at the base, upper surface sometimes with a reddish blotch over the midrib; margin entire.
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Nov 20, 2011 · Erect annual herb, up to c. 25 cm tall or with spreading, semi-prostrate branches up to 35 cm long. All parts with silky white hairs. Leaves ...
Euphorbia tettensis Klotzsch ... The native range of this species is S. Tropical Africa to Northern Prov. It is an annual and grows primarily in the seasonally ...
Scientific Name. Euphorbia tettensis Klotzsch ; Higher Classification. Dicotyledons ; Family. EUPHORBIACEAE ; Synonyms. Chamaesyce tettensis (Klotzsch) Koutnik.
Annual herb, erect to 25 cm tall or spreading and semi-prostrate with branches to 35 cm long, the whole plant including the cyathia and capsules pilose, ...
Feb 14, 2023 · Location: By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools, Umfurudzi Safari Area. Location code(s):, 68. Outing code: Planted code: ...
Records of this taxon from Mozambique are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all ...
Euphorbia tettensis Klotzsch. , Naturw. Reise Mossambique [Peters] 6(Bot., 1): 94. 1861; Boiss. in DC. Prod. 15(2): 49.
African Plants Portal ; Euphorbia tettensis Klotzsch ; Family: Euphorbiaceae. [Anisophyllum tettense Klotzsch & Garcke, moreChamaesyce tettensis (Klotzsch) ...