Evolvulus alsinoides, commonly known as dwarf morning-glory and slender dwarf morning-glory, is flowering plant from the family Convolvulaceae.
It is a small, dwarf, version of morning glory reaching a height of 1 foot, but usually less. The plant tends to spread horizontally on the ground, is dusty ...
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Slender dwarf morning-glory
Evolvulus alsinoides, commonly known as dwarf morning-glory and slender dwarf morning-glory, is flowering plant from the family Convolvulaceae. In Indian ayurveda, it is commonly known as Visnukranta or Shankhavel. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Evolvulus alsinoides
Family: Convolvulaceae
Genus: Evolvulus
Order: Solanales
Kingdom: Plantae
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Feb 10, 2023 · Plant Characteristics: Duration: Perennial, Habit: Herb, Leaf Pubescence: Pilose, Leaf Margin: Entire, Breeding System: Flowers, Bisexual Inflorescence: Cyme.
slender dwarf morning-glory. General Information. Symbol: EVAL. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Native Status: L48 N
Evolvulus alsinoides, the slender dwarf morning-glory, is flowering plant from the family Convolvulaceae. It has a natural pantropical distribution ...
Slender dwarf morning glory plants can grow to a height of about 8 inches mostly spreading horizontally on the ground.
In India the whole plant is used as a febrifuge and vermifuge; the leaf is used to treat asthma and bronchitis (Jain and DeFilipps 1991). In the Philippines an ...
Evolvulus alsinoides is a very variable, perennial plant with slender, more or less branched stems that can become somewhat woody.
Variable annual or perennial herb, thinly to rather densely covered with somewhat long patent silky hairs. Stems few to several, erect or decumbent, slender, up ...
Dec 29, 2018 · The plant is used to treat depression in parts of Kenya. This herb is still, in many places, a preferred method for reducing symptoms associated ...