Halleria lucida is tough and easy to grow, and thrives under many different conditions. It is fast growing, and performs best in well-drained nutrient-rich loam ...

Halleria lucida

Halleria lucida is a small, attractive, evergreen tree that is indigenous to Southern Africa. It is increasingly grown as an ornamental tree in African gardens. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Halleria lucida
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Halleria lucida is a small, attractive, evergreen tree that is indigenous to Southern Africa. It is increasingly grown as an ornamental tree in African ...
Halleria lucida is an evergreen, erect to straggling shrub or a small tree with a spreading crown. In more exposed situations it is generally a stocky or ...
An evergreen, hardy tree/shrub with drooping branches. The pale grey bark is rough and longitudinally fissured. The leaves are opposite, simple, ovate, shiny ...
Straggly shrub 2–3 m tall or small tree to 12 m. Bark pale grey, longitudinally fissured, rather rough. Branchlets subquadrangular.
Halleria lucida is a hardy, evergreen, small to medium sized tree with attractive foliage and a graceful drooping habit. It bears orange or pale yellow tubular ...
This small evergreen tree, known as the Halleria Lucida, or Tree Fuchsia, grows to 5 – 6 metres in height by 4 – 5 metres in width, depending on how many ...
Apr 3, 2018 · Description: Straggling shrub or tree up to 12 m with drooping sub-quadrangular branches. Leaves opposite, broadly ovate, 4.5–10 cm long, ...
A shrubby tree, usually growing to 12-20ft, though it can reach 50ft in some locations. The pretty, orange-yellow, tubular flowers are quite reminiscent of ...
This is a hardy tree that grows in various climates and soil conditions. For optimal growth, we recommend a semi-shaded spot in the garden. This tree is often ...