It is widespread across eastern Africa, southwards to Angola, Namibia and the northern provinces of South Africa. Habitat and Ecology. Major system. Terrestrial.
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Jul 28, 2016 · Prostrate to erect annual herb, growing from a taproot. Stems much-branched, yellowish-green, angular, ribbed, sparsely to densely whitish ...
Indigofera charlieriana charlieriana is a variety of plants with 11 observations.
Synonyms: Indigofera aspera sensu Baker p.p. non DC. Common names: · Frequency: · Status: · Description: Prostrate to erect annual herb, growing from a ...
This name is a synonym of Indigofera charlieriana var. charlieriana by Fabaceae. The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2023-08-03) which ...
Species Indigofera charlieriana Schinz (Indigofera sp.) ; Characteristics: erect or creeping herb, up to 30 cm tall; compound leaves with lance-shaped leaflets; ...
The native range of this variety is Somalia to S. Africa. It is an annual and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.