Somewhat scrambling perennial herb. Stems ascending to erect, up to 1 m tall, sometimes more, 6-ridged, more or less densely pubescent, especially below the ...
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Group. Dicot. Family. Acanthaceae. Genus. Justicia. Species. Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock. Rwanda Google Earth · Google Maps.
Species. World flora. Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock ; Genus. Justicia ; Family. Acanthaceae ; Flora. World flora.
Justicia striata subsp. striata. Classification. Kingdom Plantae; Phylum ... Justicia striata. Kew's Tree of Life Explorer. Discover the flowering plant ...
Summary. The complex is divided into two species, Justicia schimperi and J. striata. The former is distinguished by its long slender corolla tube which ...
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock. Image: Justicia striata ... Flora of Caprivi: Cultivated species information - individual images: Justicia striata.
Record details: ; Herbarium: ; Habitat: Disturbed roadside vegetation at forest margin ; Location: By entrance Ndzou Camp, Moribane Forest. ; Location code(s):, 84.
The Justicia striata complex is revised. Ten species are recognised, some of which are subdivided into subspecies and/or varieties.
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock. Family: Acanthaceae. Justicia striata image. Bart Wursten. Resources. Justicia striata. Open Interactive Map.
EPPO Code: IUIST ; Preferred name: Justicia striata ; Authority: (Klotzsch) Bullock ; Kingdom Plantae ( 1PLAK ) ; Phylum Magnoliophyta ( 1MAGP ).