Monarda, commonly known as bee balm, has been a popular garden perennial for many years. Most of the selections currently available to gardeners are hybrids of two species native to the eastern United States, Monarda didyma (scarlet bee balm) and Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot).
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Monarda is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The genus is endemic to North America. Common names include bergamot, bee balm, ...
Monarda do best in full sun with at least 6 hours of sun per day. Avoid crowding and extended periods of dry. Plants will spread, so give them room!
Aromatic perennials of sturdy habit, growing in strong clumps. The showy, clustered flowers are white, lavender, pink, or red, blooming at the top of the leafy ...
$3.00 to $150.00
Monarda fistulosa, also commonly called Bee Balm or Horse-Mint, has a lovely lavender blossom and distinctively aromatic foliage. It is a familiar component of ...
Rating (7) ˇ $14.99 ˇ Out of stock
Monarda is native to eastern North America, so it is a hardy plant that grows quickly, does well in a variety of soils and is easy to care for. The nectar in ...
Jul 18, 2014 ˇ If you are not familiar with bee balm, it is a mid-summer bloomer that stands 2 to 4 feet tall. The blossoms come in shades of pink, ...


Monarda is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The genus is endemic to North America. Common names include bergamot, bee balm, horsemint, and oswego tea, the first being inspired by the fragrance of the leaves, which is... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Monarda
Family: Lamiaceae
Height: 8 to 48 inches
Genus: Monarda; L.
Tribe: Mentheae

Monarda is a genus that has a long history as a medicinal herb. As the common name Bee Balm implies, it has also been used to soothe bee stings.
Monarda, better known as bee balm, is an important native plant in our southern New Hampshire gardens, suppporting many pollinators, hummingbirds and song ...
$3.00 to $200.00 Out of stock
ANNUAL, Full sun, June-July, Pink/Purple, 2-3 ft. North American Range: West and Central US. Nebraska Range: Statewide. Soil type: Moisture: Dry.