Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around ...
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A family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world.
Water lilies
Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera with about 70 known species. Wikipedia
Lower classifications
Flowers of Nymphaeaceae occur singly from nodes of submerged stems and rise to the surface of the water or higher, and their flowers are radially symmetrical.
Family: Nymphaeaceae — water-lily family. The Nymphaeaceae family is made up of aquatic perennial herbs growing from a thick horizontal rhizome.
The Nymphaeaceae consist of aquatic, annual or perennial herbs, with a milky latex often present. The underground stems are rhizomatous or tuberous. The stem ...
Sep 28, 2024 · Water lily, (family Nymphaeaceae), family of about 60 species in 4 genera of freshwater flowering plants (order Nymphaeales) native to the temperate and ...
1. Flowers with showy white petals, usually fragrant; sepals green or reddish (paler inside); blades of floating leaves circular (or elliptic in one rare ...
The Nymphaeaceae family, also known as water lilies, is a group of aquatic plants that are found in a wide range of habitats, from small ponds to large lakes ...
Nymphaeaceae are insect-pollinated, often by beetles. Formerly Nymphaeaceae often have been treated to include Cabombaceae and Nelumbonaceae.
Nymphaeaceae. Name. Synonyms: Barclayaceae · Euryalaceae · Nupharaceae; Homonyms: Nymphaeaceae; Common names: Nymphæacées in French: Nymphéacées in French ...