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Pavonia urens is a large, herbaceous perennial plant growing up to 3 metres tall. The plant is gathered from the wild for its fibre, which is used locally to ...
Nov 24, 2005 ˇ Description: Large shrub-sized herb, up to 3 m. All parts covered in soft and prickly hairs, which may cause itching when touched. Leaves large, ...
Flowers pale pink to deep mauve-red in small clusters in the upper leaf axils. Notes: See Pavonia columella for comparison. Derivation of specific name: urens: ...
The native range of this species is Tropical & S. Africa, Madagascar. It is a shrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Pavonia urens Cav. Common name(s). Stinging pavonia 2. Synonym(s). 1. Genus. Pavonia. Family. Malvaceae. Flora. World flora. 14observations.
Pavonia urens Cav. Back to results. Group. Dicot. Family. Malvaceae. Genus. Pavonia. Species. Pavonia urens Cav. Malawi. Zambia. Tanzania ...
Feb 11, 2022 ˇ Pavonia urens is a species of plants with 31 observations.
This name is the accepted name of an infraspecific taxon of the species Pavonia urens Cav. in the genus Pavonia (family Malvaceae).
Along edges, paths and clearings or shore of lakes in upland and riverine forest; secondary forest and scrub; abandoned cultivations; also weed, ruderal; ...
Erect suffrutex or shrub, 1–3 m. tall, usually densely pubescent on stems and leaves, sometimes also with longer soft hairs and/or with coarse harsh and ...