People also ask
Is Pseuderanthemum a perennial?
What is the common name of Pseuderanthemum?
How do you take care of a Pseuderanthemum?
Is Pseuderanthemum a sun or shade plant?
Pseuderanthemum is a genus of plants in family Acanthaceae with a pantropical distribution. Pseuderanthemum. Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var atropurpureum.
This plant is native to Polynesia. Bright purple-pink flowers are produced in clusters among the dark green leaves throughout the growing season.
Mar 17, 2023 ˇ The golden pseudoderanthemum is an evergreen shrub of the family Acanthaceae that is commonly called yellow-veined eranthemum.
A unique indented-leaf form of this attractive Polynesian shrub, propagated from a specimen at Singapore Botanic Gardens. Foliage is dark green above and ...
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The Pseuderanthemum 'Stainless Steel' Is an excellent tropical foliage plant that's silver grey leaves with white variegation just pop in any setting.
Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Tricolor is a beautifully variegated tall plant. Pseuderanthemum make a beautiful plant for any high light space that you need ...
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Grown best in full sun, partial shade or semi-shade, the Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum thrives in well-drained soil and regular water to keep soil evenly moist.
Pseuderanthemum rubrum "Black Varnish Plant" is a very dark foliage plant with oval shaped leaves that can turn almost black in color in full sun. Plants grow ...
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A tropical shrub and is sometimes call “Yellow Veined Eranthemum”. The large oval leaves are green but heavily netted with lemon yellow veins.
Pseuderanthemum plants are fast-growing, and bloom through the year. So they need good sunlight, adequate watering and frequent fertilization.
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