Species information: Psychotria mahonii - Flora of Zambia
www.zambiaflora.com › speciesdata › species
Small or tree. Bark grey, rather smooth, sometimes corky. Leaves elliptic to obovate, up to 23 cm long, leathery, hairless or with hairs mainly beneath; ...
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The native range of this species is Cameroon to Sudan and S. Tropical Africa. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
Following 19 years of abandonment, the site consists of 3 zones of recovery due to different degrees of degradation before abandonment, continued grazing, ...
Feb 22, 2014 ˇ This is one of the main pioneer species in the understorey of secondary montane forest. Notes: See Psychotria mahonii for differences.
Psychotria mahonii - iNaturalist Australia
inaturalist.ala.org.au › taxa › 1290461-Psychotria-mahonii
Psychotria mahonii is a species of plants with 10 observations.
Fruit round, slightly ribbed, c. 6 mm long, yellow to orange-red when ripe. See P. mahonii for differences. This is one of the main pioneer species in the ...
Group. Dicot. Family. Rubiaceae. Genus. Psychotria. Species. Psychotria mahonii C.H.Wright. Rwanda Google Earth ˇ Google Maps.
Psychotria mahonii var. puberula (E.M.A.Petit) Verdc. ˇ Classification ˇ Name ˇ Bibliographic References. Verdcourt B (1975) Studies in the Rubiaceae: ...
Name matched, Click on matched database for more details. Psychotria mahonii, Psychotria mahonii C.H.Wright WFO Accepted [Rubiaceae] ...
Tree 5–15(–24) m. tall or shrub 1.5–5 m. tall; stem soon rugose or striate or the bark sometimes corky and transverse fissured, glabrous or densely shortly ...