Description: Shrub or liane climbing to 6 m high or more, hairless, latex present; younger branches 4-angled, smooth and green; older stems purplish or grey, verruculose with numerous lenticels.
Aug 22, 2016
The native range of this subspecies is S. Somalia to Mozambique, Pemba, Madagascar. It is a scrambling shrub or liana and grows primarily in the seasonally ...
Shrub or woody climber to 3.5 m high; stems glabrous, purplish brown or greyish, densely covered with raised white lenticels. Leaves with petiole 5–7 mm ...
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Flowers 2–12 (rarely solitary), bisexual, in axillary sessile or shortly pedunculate fascicles; buds 2–3 mm. long, cylindric to elongate-conic; peduncles absent ...
The native range of this species is S. Somalia to Mozambique, Pemba, Madagascar. It is a scrambling shrub or liana and grows primarily in the seasonally dry ...
Jan 28, 2005 · Plant Materials. Dried roots of Salacia madagascariensis (Lam.) DC. (PR-80767) collected in Tanzania in March 1974 were supplied by the ...
Isoiguesterin (1) and 20-epi-isoiguesterinol (2) showed potent activity against Leishmania. Publication types. Research Support ...
Salacia madagascariensis (Lam.) DC. ; Group. Dicot ; Family. Celastraceae ; Genus. Salacia ; Species. Salacia madagascariensis (Lam.) DC.
Salacia madagascariensis is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. It is also used as a medicinal plant for treating various ailments.