Salvia nilotica is a perennial shrub growing in the eastern African highlands from Ethiopia to Zimbabwe, between 900 and 3,600 m (3,000 and 11,800 ft) ...
Flowers are generally purple from early spring to summer but can be lighter colours. The name refers to the Nile River where the plant originates.

Salvia nilotica

Salvia nilotica is a perennial shrub growing in the eastern African highlands from Ethiopia to Zimbabwe, between 900 and 3,600 m elevation. It has many creeping rhizomes and stems about 60–90 cm tall. The small flowers, in whorls of 6–8, range... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Salvia nilotica
Family: Lamiaceae
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Jul 23, 2015 · Flowers in up to 15 6-8-flowered verticels, distant below but becoming closer together above. Calyx often brownish or purplish, 6-10 mm long, ...
The native range of this species is Eritrea to S. Tropical Africa. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the montane tropical biome.
Salvia nilotica Juss. ex Jacq. Common name(s). Synonym(s). 7. Genus. Salvia. Family. Lamiaceae. Flora. World flora. 2observations. Salvia nilotica Flower.
Salvia nilotica is a perennial shrub growing in the eastern African highlands from Ethiopia to Zimbabwe, between 900-3600 m elevation.
A perennial herb, with long erect pubescent branched stems. Lower leaves petioled, lyrate, 1/2 ft. long, thin, pubescent; upper sessile, ovate, entire.
Salvia nilotica Juss. ex Jacq. Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 48 (1777) This name is reported by Lamiaceae as an accepted name in the genus Salvia (family Lamiaceae).
THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms.
Record details: ; Confirmer: ; Herbarium: BR ; Habitat: Dense wet bracken and grass areas with trees along lake shore ; Location: Lake Kaulime, Nyika National Park.