Shrub or tree, up to 8 m, glabrous except for the inflorescence. Spines present and often numerous on young trees and sucker growth, but sparse on older trees.
The native range of this species is Cameroon, S. Ethiopia to S. Africa. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Scolopia zeyheri - Useful Tropical Plants › viewtropical › id=Scolopia+zeyheri
Scolopia zeyheri is an evergreen, much-branched shrub or tree usually growing to about 13 metres but with occasional specimens to 25 metres.
Shrub or small tree up to about 8 m. tall (in the Cape Province of S. Africa it can attain heights of 23 m.), glabrous except for the inflorescence; branches ...
Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Szyszyl. The caterpillars of the rustic (Cupha erymanthis), a brush-footed butterfly, utilize species of this genus as food plants.
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What is the common name for scolopia Zeyheri?
oreophila, S. stolzii and S. zeyheri, inhabit South Africa. Its members are characterized by leaves that are simple and alternate with minute stipules, the leaf ...
Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Szyszył. LC. Common name(s). Thorn pear. Synonym(s). 15. Genus. Scolopia. Family. Salicaceae. Flora. World flora. 13observations.
Scolopia thorncroftii E.Phillips. = Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Harv. = Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Warb. No children. Species Accepted. Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Szyszyl ...
Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) Szyszył. A specimen from Kew's Herbarium. First page; Next. Page 1 of 1. Results per page: 24, 120, 480.
Large multi-trunked tree (or possibly many trees) on a large termite mound. Latitude, Longitude. Location accuracy code: ...