

Selaginella is the sole genus in the monotypic family Selaginellaceae, the spikemosses or lesser clubmosses, a type of vascular plant. This family is distinguished from Lycopodiaceae by having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and by having spores of... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Selaginella
Family: Selaginellaceae; Willk.
Genus: Selaginella; P. Beauv.
Order: Selaginellales; Prantl
Kingdom: Plantae

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Selaginella is the sole genus in the monotypic family Selaginellaceae, the spikemosses or lesser clubmosses, a type of vascular plant. Spikemoss.
Selaginella are a truly unique group of prehistoric fern relatives that thrive in a variety of conditions and make fantastic woodland ground covers.
Selaginella Plants for Terrariums & live vivarium environments. Ultra healthy, organically grown, and chemical free Selaginella Spike Moss for sale.
Spike mosses are forest dwellers in origin and need protection from strong sunlight. Indoors, provide semi-shade or shade, away from the window. The small ...
Some Selaginella will thrive outdoors in zones 6-10, provided they're grown in a damp, shady and acidic spot. I recommend planting at the base of gingers, ...
Selaginella willdenowii is a species with iridescent blue foliage. The colouring is a consequence of elaborate structures on the upper surface of the leaves.
Common Name: SPIKE-MOSS ; Genus Notes: Selaginella is a fairly widely accepted, monophyletic genus of 750-800 species (Zhou & Zhang 2015; Westrand & Korall 2016; ...
Video for Selaginella
Feb 22, 2023 · The Selaginella in this video: Selaginella kraussiana Common Name: Mat spike-moss ...
Duration: 18:51
Posted: Feb 22, 2023
It makes a great houseplant, container plant, dish gardens or used in terrariums. High humidity and indirect lighting are a must in order for your plant to ...
spikemoss. General Information. Symbol: SELAG. Group: Lycopod. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Forb/herb. Vine. Native Status: AK N CAN N GL N HI I,N