Smilacaceae, the greenbriers, is a family of flowering plants. While they were often assigned to a more broadly defined family Liliaceae, ...


Smilacaceae, the greenbriers, is a family of flowering plants. While they were often assigned to a more broadly defined family Liliaceae, most recent botanists have accepted the two as distinct families, diverging around 55 million years ago... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Smilacaceae
Family: Smilacaceae; Vent.
Higher classification: Liliales
Kingdom: Plantae
Lower classifications
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Smilacaceae, or the greenbrier family, with 315 species in two genera (Smilax and Heterosmilax), is the second largest family in the order. These herbaceous or ...
SMILACACEAE. P. Acevedo-Rodríguez. A widespread family with tropical to temperate distribution of rhizomatous, herbaceous to sub-woody, tendrilled vines. The ...
Nov 5, 2020 ˇ Shrubs, herbs, or vines, perennial, rhizomatous. Stems erect or climbing, usually prickly, sometimes unarmed. Leaves opposite or alternate, ...
This family consists of herbaceous vines or woody lianas that are usually armed with prickles and climb by means of tendrils formed from stipules. The leaves ...
A widespread family with tropical to temperate distribution of rhizomatous, herbaceous to sub- woody, tendrilled vines. The family contains 3 genera and.
Habit: [Perennial herb, shrub] vine, from rhizomes, stolons, or caudices, dioecious. Stem: erect or climbing, generally prickly, scaly below, leafy above.
Description: Dioecious perennial climbers. Leaves alternate, lamina entire, with 3–7 longitudinal veins and prominent reticulate venation; stipules fused to ...
Fruit a black, purple or red berry. Seeds single to several, globose to ovoid-angular, pale yellow to dark brown; embryo minute to 2/3 the length of the seed, ...
One genus, Smilax (including Heterosmilax; Ripogonum now excluded), c. 260 species; Smilax is pantropical but has only 2 species in Africa.