Much-branched shrub or small tree up to 6 m high. Branchlets with white, woolly hairs and stout, straight prickles up to 5 mm long.
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What is the common name of Solanum giganteum?
Does Solanum come back every year?
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Description. Large shrub or small tree to 4 m, dark green with white stellate pubescence on stems and undersurface of leaves; hairs dense on lower leaf-surface, ...
Solanum giganteum is a short-lived, softly woody, spiny shrub or small tree usually growing 2 - 4 metres tall, sometimes to 8 metres.
Nov 2, 2015 · Inflorescences in branched corymbose heads, dense, many-flowered. Flowers nodding. Corolla pale blue to lilac or violet-purple, rarely white, ...
Origin uncertain, but believed to be native to the Cape; widespread in tropical and southern Africa, also the Canary Isles, tropical Asia, Australia and South ...
Solanum giganteum Jacq.(African-holly, Healing-leaf-tree, Healing leaf, Red bitter berry, Red bitter apple). Family Solanaceae. Genus Solanum. 'World flora.
Nov 2, 2015 · Inflorescences in branched corymbose heads, dense, many-flowered. Flowers nodding. Corolla pale blue to lilac or violet-purple, rarely white, ...
Synonyms: Solanum niveum Vahl ; Common names: Red bitter apple (English) Red bitter berry (English) ; Description: Shrub or small tree mostly less than 5 m tall, ...
Large shrubs, 1-3.5 m high. Stems and leaves covered with very minute stellate hairs of equal arms; prickles on stems only, small, stout, grouped.