Stenochlaena is a genus of ferns of the plant family Blechnaceae. Six species were formally accepted in an April 2013 scientific review of the genus, ...
People also ask
What is the common name for Stenochlaena?
What is the use of Stenochlaena palustris?
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Stenochlaena palustris is an edible medicinal fern species. In the folk medicines of India and Malaysia, the leaves of this fern are used as remedies for ...
Stenochlaena is a genus of ferns of the plant family Blechnaceae. Six species were formally accepted in an April 2013 scientific review of the genus, first written some years earlier and submitted in 2009. Wikipedia
Stenochlaena is a genus of ferns of the plant family Blechnaceae. Six species were formally accepted in an April 2013 scientific review of the genus, ...
Stenochlaena palustris or Climbing Fern is a climbing fern native to Singapore. It has pinnate fronds up to 80 cm long, deep reddish when juvenile.
The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information.
Easily grown in a moist or saturated part of the tropical garden. This species will grow up trees, particularly paperbarks (Melaleuca spp.), and can become ...
Lush, tropical but hardy sprawling groundcover or low climbing fern with dark green fronds and attractive bronze coloured new growth, which is edible.
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Asia to W. Pacific. It is a liana and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
An unusual evergreen fern with a climbing habit, given something to climb on, preferring trunks of plant with a fibrous texture. Best in shade with regular water and well amended soil.
Helpdesk · Kingdom. Plantae · Phylum. Tracheophyta · Class. Polypodiopsida · Order. Polypodiales · Family. Blechnaceae · Genus. Stenochlaena J.Sm.