Strophanthus gardeniiflorus Gilg. Common name(s). Gardenia-oleander. Genus. Strophanthus. Family. Apocynaceae. Flora. World flora. 1observation.
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Strophanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1802. It is native primarily to tropical Africa.
The native range of this species is S. DR Congo, N. Zambia, E. Angola. It is a climber and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome.
gardeniiflorus (Gilg) Monach. = Strophanthus thollonii var. gardeniflorus (Gilg) Monach. No children. Species Accepted. Strophanthus gardeniiflorus Gilg.
Strophanthus gardeniiflorus whole chemical information summary.
The native range of this species is S. DR Congo, N. Zambia, E. Angola. It is a climber and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome.
Collection name. Photographs of Randu Flora ; Plant name. Strophanthus gardeniiflorus [family APOCYNACEAE] ; Country. Congo, the Democratic Republic of the.
Strophanthus gardeniiflorus in gallery forest; Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; Nov 2007. Photo: Jos Stevens
Strophanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1802. It is native primarily to tropical Africa.
Strophanthus gardeniiflorus is a species of plants with 7 observations.